How to get trained ?

The website

It is designed to teach the maximum number of people objectively and scientifically about the dangers of drugs.

If you go through it and study it carefully, you will all have the necessary elements to prevent drug use in children, young people, those students you have a responsibility towards or who you know. Studying this website will enable you to "decode" certain behaviors, press articles, "accidents" that are a result of this curse.

Psychotropic drugs






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Short courses

Short course (2 hour duration) with a presentation focused around three axes:

  • Drugs are everywhere. No family is safe from it. Each part must know the effects and consequences of psychotropic drugs.

  • The principle drugs under a scientific lens: their appearance, their effects.

  • An important part of this course focuses on cannabis, a drug which ensnares adolescents, a gate way to drugs and which leads to drug addiction.

What to do if your child uses? There is no miracle answer, our experience since 1999 allows us to help families and young people confronted by this problem.

If you are interested in taking a course, send us an email at :


Courses for parents, teachers school nurses, grandparents, adults involved in education and youth leaders...
These courses take place over 1 day and are designed to provide training on drug products in circulation and ways in which avoid the dangers of being surrounded by drugs.

  • Make participants aware of the prevalence of drugs

  • Studying the main drugs

  • What to do if a young person is using?

  • How to inform others?

  • The current drug situation and the evolution of usage?

  • Questions/answers

  • The distribution of an exhaustive document allows each person to leave this course with a concrete tool for prevention.