Support us

Donations and tax deductions

Enfance Sans Drogue is an association under the French law of 1901, whose aim is the prevention of drug addiction.

The minimum membership fee is 10 euros: the price of a cinema ticket! Our children are worth it! Tell your friends about us and get them to contribute. The more of us there are, the more we'll be heard.

Your financial support is precious to us!

To teach your children to refuse drugs, we need your support. Make a donation!

By credit card, online :

By check :

Download the donation form :

Send the form and your cheque payable to Enfance Sans Drogue to the following address:

Enfance Sans Drogue
BP 20320
75723 Paris Cedex 15

* A tax receipt will be sent for orders over 30 euros.

Have a question?
Please contact us!

How much does a tax-deductible donation cost?

Donations to charitable organizations are tax-deductible up to 66%. This is the case for Enfance Sans Drogue. In other words, a donation of 100 euros only costs you 34 euros.

Tax deductions cannot exceed 20% of taxable income. If you donate more than this, you can carry the excess forward to the following year, for up to five years.

So, if you are taxable on your income, you can be 3 times more generous! You can deduct 66% of the amount of your donation, up to a limit of 20% of your taxable income.

For example :

I give

I deduce


I actually pay












Tax receipt

We will send you a tax receipt for each donation as soon as possible.

How can I benefit from this tax reduction?

All you have to do is enter the total amount of donations made during the tax year on your income tax return.

Since 2013, you don't need to attach tax receipts to your tax return. However, you are required to keep these documents in case of an audit, as proof of the payments made.

To find out more about tax provisions, visit

Thank you for your generosity, which is invaluable in helping us to help as many people as possible!