What can you say to a drug user ?

The parents are the best placed people to help their child

Why are parents the best placed people to help their children to stop being a drug user ?

Parents are the first educators and the best specialists of their children. That is why they are the most suitable people to help their children stop consuming drugs. Nobody knows better their child than them. They have a loving interest in their child!
It is also possible that a young gets along well with an adult of the family circle (uncle, aunt, friends of parents etc.). This adult can proceed in the same way.

Why are the psychologists and the psychiatrists not better placed adults to help than parents ?

Above all, the majority of the young tell us that it does not help them, that they waste their time and their parents' money without stopping the consumption.

One has to note that in spite of the colossal budgets dedicated to the listening, the follow-up of the young drug users, the number of young who consume increases in an exponential way and the "shrinks" manage only rarely to make a young person stop... That's why it is necessary to ask oneself questions and to change the approach!

A small minority of young people consume because they do not feel good. We are talking about pathologies, which require them to see a doctor. Enfance Sans Drogue is unable to help them.

Nevertheless, when 70 % of high school students are occasional or regular drug users, it is because they "just meddled", they just tried the cannabis. The first time, they liked this highly dosed product and became quickly dependent.

They fell into the trap and do not know how to go out of it any more. It is necessary to tell to them that, fortunately, many stopped consumption only or with the support of their close ones!

It is possible to stop using cannabis contrary to what we are being told! As evidence are the budgets dedicated to the adds promoting the stop of tobacco's consumption! Our grandparents decided to stop and they stopped! It is a question of will even if it is difficult. The free will to get out of it, to get one's life back without drugs, to reach a meaningful purpose in one's life, studies, projects, relationship with others...

Little by little, with consumption, the ill-being and the depression settles down. It is normal, any legal psychotropic drug - antidepressant, anxiolytic, soporific - or illegal - cannabises, amphetamines, cocaine, poppers, heroin lead to depression and to suicide. A young's ill-being is thus the consequence of his/her drug use and not the cause !

You just have to stop taking drugs and you will find again health of body and spirit.

In addition, a few general practitioners and psychiatrists will give to the young legal drugs which will interact with the drugs they consume in the street... The consequence is that the effects of the drugs on the young will be stronger and that depressions will increase.

Drugs are not a disease. You cannot cure them, you must stop consuming them!

The one who does not take drugs is not a drug addict.

No miracle solution

Given the number of young people who are drug users, the reduction in the age of the consumption of the first joint, the continuous increase of the suicides directly connected to the consumption of legal drugs
(antidepressants, anxiolytics, sleeping drugs) or illegal (cannabis, poppers, heroin, cocaine etc.), we decided to create this book.

Our advise is based on our experience (300 000 young people seen in conference, everywhere in France, testimonies of consumption by more and more young children, phone calls and e-mails with our
association Enfance Sans Drogue.

Drugs are everywhere, rare are the families not affected by them.

Many young people stopped their consumption having read the book of Marie-Christine d' Welles "What are drugs ?", having spoken with their parents or adults trained by Enfance Sans Drogue.

We have no miracle solution. We choose to put on our website what seems essential to us to tell consumers.

Discussion with
the consumer

Before speaking with the consumer, parents have to go onto our website

Please contact our non-profit company for any further information: contact@enfancesansdrogue.org

Discussion with the young:

I know that you are a drug user, I ask you to go onto the website www.enfancesansdrogue.org

As he/she will probably deny his consumption, tell him/her it is essential for him/ her to go onto the website. He/She knows that drugs are everywhere, that a number of his(her) friends are drug users. Drugs are a plague, a trap, a market which strikes today almost all families.

If I ask you to do this it is because I love you and because drugs kill many young people.


  • Speak in short sentences

  • In support of their arguments for drug consumption (a drug user always defends his drug), you should answer: this is you opinion but...

  • He will tell you: do not worry, I manage / I take it only rarely, only during parties, on holidays and I know how to not go too far. You will answer him/her that we never manage one's consumption of drugs. This is why it is prohibited by law. At the beginning, we take a joint during the holidays, after the weekend or during a party (holiday), then every day, then several times a day, then we change the dosage of cannabis (measured between 6 % and 35 % of THC), then we change drugs to obtain the same effects, the cannabis becomes the expectation drug which serves to calm one's fears, which helps falling asleep or not to commit suicide....but he or she has already added poppers or some cocaine, amphetamines or heroin. And the one who takes his/her cocaine, he or she "manages"!!! He or she is brilliant, succeeds very well until the day when he/she falls brutally and he/she happens to be in depression (which is normal since the consumption of any psychotropic drug - legal or illegal – brings about ill-being, depression, suicide thoughts).

  • You should tell that young: you are at the age where one can do everything: the best and the worst. It rests on you and you alone to choose if you want a life with drugs or without drugs, if you want to remain booby-trapped or be free of your acts.

  • You can stop: abstinence is the best solution. Abstinence = total stop of consumption without replacing by any other legal drugs (antidepressants, anxiolytics, sleeping drugs). The majority of the young stop this way.

    It belongs to you and you alone to choose your camp:

    Refuse to be a drug user : to be free, to live your life, to make your choice, to realize your dreams, to work a job that you chose...

    Continue to be a drug user : to make choices dictated by drugs, to act in a way that you would never have approved when you did not consume, to be at the mercy of your dealers who will have no
     tolerance toward you. I love you and I do not want you to finish in the street. All drug addicts were brought one day to prostitute themselves or to act contrary to their will and their morals but nobody says it to the young who start "meddling" with drugs

Choose your own life : nobody can force you to stop and go back to a life of freedom without drugs.