
Other drugs


Everyone has used alcohol enough to know its harmful effects.

Alcohol is a sedative drug. In regularly drinking high quantities of alcohol, one does not become a drug-addict, but an alcoholic. It is through the destruction of the liver that one becomes alcoholic. Several years are needed to destroy the liver. If a person becomes alcoholic, there is only one solution: total abstinence.

If a person mixes alcohol with another psychotropic drug like cannabis, poppers, antidepressant, cocaine, stain remover, white spirit and so on, he is at great risk of rapidly become a drug-addict.

Alcohol is often used as a potentializer. Young people take it with their psychotropic drugs, such as cannabis, stain remover, sleeping pills, in order to get high. It is a habit currently spreading to all spheres of society. Very few young people consume only alcohol. Parents need to tell them of the great risks they are taking.


Methamphetamines have been very common in France for about ten years. It circulates in all "trendy" circles. It is also called speed, ice, crystal and has the same features as ecstasy. In high schools many cannabis users have already tried it. It has always been used at rave parties. It is easy to manufacture and as with ecstasy, France is a very productive country.


Nitrous oxide and other pressurized gases such as those contained in whipped cream canisters or computer anti-dust sprays also have hallucinogenic effects. In a few seconds they produce excitement, dizziness, euphoria, loss of consciousness and affect the central nervous system through lack of oxygen. Moreover they are inhaled under pressure and can provoke lung frostbite and vocal chords injuries, (eg. immediately after taking this drug the voice becomes lower)


Stain removers are derived from ethylene. They are hallucinogenic but their effect is more calming, unlike poppers and aerosols, which are more stimulating. They cause damage that is neurological (deafness, tremor) and intellectual (dementia).


Patented in 1954, methylphenidate is prescribed to treat depression and sleep disorders.

The chemical structure of methylphenidate, Ritalin, is phenylethylamine, which has pharmacological properties similar to those of amphetamines.

Popular name "kiddy coke".

World consumption in 2011: 52 tons (1.7 billion daily doses).

Production in the U.S.:
1990: 1.8 tons / 2011: 41 tons

Given to so-called "hyperactive" children.

For 15 years, Ritalin, the obedience pill has been prescribed to millions of American children with disastrous health consequences.

In France, this terrible amphetamine is increasingly prescribed.


They are very frequently used by teenagers, crushed and swallowed with alcohol. Their effects are stimulating, sedative or hallucinogenic depending on the variety and the dose – see psychotropic drug table.