Another Miracle Pill

An anti-tobacco campaign, complete with miracle cures, has been invading France. You or your children, your parents and friends may have discussed the pros and cons of the serious information being circulated. We all understand that those "criminal" smokers will be punished at last. Phew! I have even heard that a brand new miracle pill will be on the market that replaces cigarettes during working hours. This new product, made in an excellent laboratory, unfortunately cannot be given to those under 18 years old, because, as they say, its side effects are numerous and terrifying. But do not worry, soon another great pill, Rimonabant which is for the treatment of obesity will be given to our teenagers. Its undesirable side effects include anxiety, depression, nausea, vertigo and so on. A women's magazine tells me this great step forward in pharmacology will counter all the effects of cannabis! I'm not so sure...

Marie-Christine d'Welles


Parents have to help their children


The price to be paid