
Every parent and educator responsible for a child up to 7th grade will find the tools here to help a child learn the difference between tobacco, alcohol and cannabis. The aim of this course is that the child:

  • Understands properly that cannabis is a trap

  • Knows to say no to drugs



The argument

This product is harmful, toxic and dangerous for the health. We all know that using tobacco increases the risks of cancers, cardiovascular disease ...

Tobacco is not a drug

Tobacco is highly addictive (difficult to go without)

Tobacco does not cause habituation (the need to increase the dose and then change produce to obtain the same effect). The smoker will move from one cigarette to a pack a day, then two ... but he will stay on tobacco.

Tobacco is not a psychotrope. It does not affect the spirit, or change behaviour, we can get into a car driven by a smoker, we can talk to him with no problem. A smoker can succeed with long and difficult studies, tobacco will not be the cause of repeating a year or an undesirable academic approach.

You do not become a drug addict by using tobacco!

It is through willpower that one stops smoking. It is better to never start.

Discuss with the child:

Do you know someone around you who smokes tobacco?

Yes, my mum, my grandpa ...

Would you get into the car driven by someone who smokes tobacco?

Is that person a drug addict, a junkie?

Listen carefully to the child’s responses and instruct him according to them.

THE MESSAGE: tobacco is not a drug. It is dangerous to the health. Someone who smokes tobacco takes the risk of dying of cancer, premature death, of not being able to live long enough to see his grandchildren, etc.

It is difficult to give up smoking. It requires a lot of willpower.



The argument:

Alcohol is a sedative drug. Drinking regularly in large doses, one becomes an alcoholic. Once an alcoholic, a person has only one solution: abstinence (ceasing to take all psychotropic substances).

Discuss with your child:

Can you name some types of alcohol for me?

Cider, red wine, beer, whisky, cognac, vodka ...

Explain to your child the different strengths of alcohol.

My dad drinks red wine at the table. My cousin has already been drunk ...

If someone has had a lot of alcohol, should we get into their car?

Correct his responses.

If one has an aperitif every day, one will end up no longer being able to stop.

A person who has a glass or two of wine everyday will not become an alcoholic. If he has a large amount of alcohol or strong liquor regularly, that person will become an alcoholic.

Conclusion :

We cannot get on a scooter or in the car of someone who has drunk a lot of alcohol.

If someone takes alcohol too much or too often, they will become an alcoholic.



The argument

To inform yourself, consult the page on Cannabis

Up to 7th grade, stick with the following

Discuss with the child:

Is cannabis a drug?

Listen to the child’s response and tell him that it is a drug that is forbidden to be produced, sold and consumed.

This is a “psychotropic” drug which affects the spirit and alters behaviour.

The spirit helps you to reflect, to remember to decide what you will do, to imagine, etc. It is your spirit which drives your body.

Can you get in the car with someone who is using cannabis?

It is up to you to respond clearly NO. It is illegal for someone who has taken cannabis to drive a car.

Do you know many types of cannabis?

This is the moment to instruct the child on the different sorts of cannabis, around 80.

The different types of cannabis are offered depending on the degree of the individual’s degree of intoxication. Initially, a high school student takes a low dose product. Then little by little, he will have to increase the strength of the product to achieve the same effect. There is the same difference between the cannabis smoked by a beginner and a regular consumer as there is between a bottle of wine and a bottle of vodka. Therefore, strong cannabis has nothing in common with nederweit or synthetic cannabis, which can cause fainting in a young user, child or adult, if they take it.

Do you know that it is a trap?

Let them talk...

Use a mousetrap with cheese as an example.

We attract mice with cheese which they love, but as soon as they eat it, the trap closes on them. They are killed with one blow and are unable to escape.

When one is in a trap, one does not know how to escape.

Cannabis is a trap.

Whoever takes it no longer has the desire to stop. It will be necessary to take it more and more often and bigger and bigger doses to get high. It becomes a habit. After some time, the person is no longer interested in his school work, he changes his friends, he will be angry with the whole world, he will have difficulties getting up in the morning, his health will fail, his will power … One day he will be taking it to solve the problems caused by using it: he will not be able to sleep without cannabis, he won’t be able to bear confrontations, he will want to have no involvement in his own life, will seek isolation, will lose self-esteem, will no longer have confidence in himself ...

Conclusion: One must not try it because one risks falling into the trap. It is very difficult to decide to stop.

What do you say to someone who offers you cannabis, a joint, a toke, weed …? NO

Jamais asterix


The only thing possible to do to not have to stop taking it is to NEVER START.

Download the support questionnaire to make sure that your child has understood properly.



Educate your children


re poppers, aerosols, stain remover drugs?

  • Yes
  • No


AEROSOLS Nitrous oxide and other pressurized gases such as those contained in whipped cream canisters or computer anti-dust sprays also have hallucinogenic effects. In a few seconds they produce excitement, dizziness, euphoria, loss of consciousness and affect the central nervous system through lack of oxygen. Moreover they are inhaled under pressure and can provoke lung frostbite and vocal chords injuries, (eg. immediately after taking this drug the voice becomes lower.)

POPPERS Volatile nitrites have similar effects to nitrous oxide. Moreover they can provoke panic attacks, heart palpitations and headaches. They are also responsible for deaths by anoxia. They are vasodilators frequently used to relax sphincter muscles. They are carcinogenic and provoke serious immune deficiencies – such as AIDS.

STAIN REMOVER Stain removers are derived from ethylene. They are hallucinogenic but their effect is more calming, unlike poppers and aerosols, which are more stimulating. They cause damage that is neurological (deafness, tremor) and intellectual (dementia).

Is alcohol a drug?

  • Yes
  • No


Yes, Alcohol is a sedative drug. In drinking regularly a large amount of alcohol, one becomes an alcoholic within a few years. Alcohol is characteristically able to potentialize the effect of all other drugs it is mixed with. If one mixes alcohol with another or others drugs, one can very rapidly become a drug-addict.

Would you lend your car to your child knowing that he/she cannot drive ?

  • Yes
  • No


No parent would lend his car to his child knowing he/she has not learnt to drive. It would also be unconscionable to let one’s teenager go out without having taught him/her what drugs are. Nowadays availability of these products is such that youth can procure them in all the places they frequent – educational establishments, parties, class dinners, rallies, sport clubs... Parents must inform themselves objectively and scientifically about the products so to educate their children on drugs and provide them with the arguments to refuse them. Let us remember that drug addiction doesn’t just happen to others!

Can a psychotropic drug lead to ill being, depression, suicide?

  • Yes
  • No


Any psychotropic drug, be it legal - anxiolytic, tranquillizer, benzodiazepine, neuroleptic - or illegal - street drugs - leads to ill-being, depression and to suicide. See table with side effects of psychotropic drugs – Technical Information/Classification .

Voir le tableau des effets secondaires des drogues psychotropes (Fiches  / Classification)

Are our physicians concerned by drug addiction ?

  • Yes
  • No


Physicians are the first witnesses of drug addiction (See: News or Did you know sections)