

  • Présidente : Sophie Roubertie
  • Vice-présidente : Pascaline Cabouret
  • Vice-présidente : Sophie Pélissié du Rausas
  • Secrétaire Générale : Marie-Christine d'Welles
  • Trésorière : Claudie Colin



Pascaline Cabouret

A dentist, she has always campaigned against drug abuse. She gained her experience through SAMU (the French Emergency Medical Aid Service), as well as in schools and through her professional consultations. A mother of 5 children aged from 15 to 25, it was as a member of a parents' association that I first heard about MC d'Welles, in 2001. Wanting to know more about the organization she represented, I participated in a training course. I immediately expressed my interest to the headmaster in inviting Ms. d'Welles to the school. I took part in several seminars at Enfance Sans Drogue in order to be able to educate middle and high school students more effectively. I also wanted to look after my patients who had different concerns and to be able to talk with my children about the subject and with all of my acquaintances. Because everyone knows someone who uses psychotropic drugs! I learned a lot during Enfance Sans Drogue's training sessions, as well as through helping the organization and courtesy of the testimony of the parents. 

Claudie Colin

As the mother of a 27 years old girl, I had been made aware of the problem of cannabis consumption amongst young people through a seminar with ESD. I am lucky I am not directly affected by it, but my daughter lives in a sphere where people use drugs regularly. It is important to me to be informed about it and to take preventative action. This is one of the reasons that I joined the organization. I am also a member of another organization, which enhances the role of the family in our society.  

Sophie Pélissié du Rausas

At the beginning of 1999 I attended a conference on drugs by Marie-Christine d'Welles held by the World Movement of Mothers. At that time I only had two children, aged four and two and a half. Needless to say, I was sure that the topic would not concern me! When I heard that most high school pupils used drugs, that they felt ill because of them and that they couldn't talk about it with their parents, I felt that this was something which needed to be addressed urgently. I offered to join Marie-Christine d'Welles to help her find the best means to aid people, which seemed to be through prevention. And thus ESD was created. A graduate of the Law Institute in Lyon, I wanted to further my knowledge of drugs and so I gained a University Degree in Toxicology from the Medical Faculty in Angers.  

Sophie Roubertie

A mother of three boys (aged 6 to 17) I studied law. Convinced that it is necessary to be well informed about drugs in order to be listened to by our children, I partook in a course run by Enfance Sans Drogue in 2003. I realized then how much the products have evolved and how it is now more necessary than ever to warn our children about the risks of drugs. Ten years ago, I wouldn't have imagined that drugs were everywhere and so easily accessible. More than ever, I wish to communicate as much and as objectively as possible about drugs to children and parents alike. 

Marie-Christine d'Welles

Marie-Christine d'Welles A writer, she is the author of "Folle moi ?" published by Editions Stock in 1989, followed by several novels, essays, documents translated in many languages. Her two last books "Sous son aile un refuge" et "C'est quoi la drogue ?" were published by Editions Jean-Cyrille Godefroy in February and September, 2013. Marie-Christine d'Welles also is a founder and General Secretary of Enfance Sans Drogue, a mother of 3 children and a grandmother of six. To visit her website: 


Educate your children


Is consumption of cannabis traceable in the body one week after consuming ?

  • Yes
  • No

ouiThe half-life of an active substance is the time required by a healthy body, with no previous drug use, to eliminate 50% of the absorbed substance. In the case of cannabis, the half-life is 96 hours or 4 days. This means that within 4 days the body has eliminated 50% of the initial dose. 4 days later, there will be 25% of the product left… Within 28 days, cannabis will be totally eliminated from the body of a person who has not consumed it regularly. Traces of decayed THC may be found in a regular consumer’s body up to 40 days after the last take. According to Dr Chamayou’s thesis, 18 months are needed to be completely cleared of cannabis.

Are our physicians concerned by drug addiction ?

  • Yes
  • No


Physicians are the first witnesses of drug addiction (See: News or Did you know sections)

Is an occasional joint dangerous ?

  • Yes
  • No


A joint is made out of pure cannabis or grass; or hashish mixed with tobacco.
Alcohol is a general term, which covers a wide variety of products:
wine, cider, beer, port, cognac, whisky, vodka are types of alcohol with various rates of alcoholic content ranging from 5 to 90 ° (active principles)
Cannabis works the same way: but when we talk about a joint of grass or hashish, there are more than 100 varieties and its T.H.C. rate (active principles) –ranges from 4% to 35% - goes unnoted.alcools aux taux variés de 5 à 90 degrés ( principes actifs)

Can a psychotropic drug lead to ill being, depression, suicide?

  • Yes
  • No


Any psychotropic drug, be it legal - anxiolytic, tranquillizer, benzodiazepine, neuroleptic - or illegal - street drugs - leads to ill-being, depression and to suicide. See table with side effects of psychotropic drugs – Technical Information/Classification .

Voir le tableau des effets secondaires des drogues psychotropes (Fiches  / Classification)

Does alcohol mixed with cannabis have harmful effects?

  • Yes
  • No


 When you consume alcohol and cannabis simultaneously, these products mutually increase their effects. The current practice is to use alcohol and cannabis at the same time. Many young people nowadays use this common method to try to get “stoned”.