
April 2013, Yacin Sid's father had just left the witness box. "Look at me, look at Pierre's family, you must tell the truth, they need it." Yacin replied "That is why I have decided to confess today." His father said "This wasn't how I raised you, you have to answer all the questions so the truth can be told." Yacin's father continued "He was a lovely boy, he was always around me, I called him my shadow".

There was a dramatic twist that afternoon. Yacin Sid asked to be allowed speak: "I lied before the court, before the examining judge. I am the author of Pierre Nasica's murder. I'll explain to you what happened ..." He couldn't go on. His family was in shock. The hearing was suspended.
The hearing resumed at 14.40. Yacin Sid read his confession. "We ate a kebab at 1pm. I suggested him going to the parking garage at the Arsenal to smoke. We had been drinking at the kebab restaurant. We talked about credit cards. I had problems with drug debts. Pierre would have nothing to do with it. Pierre didn't take it seriously. He told me it was pointless. That pissed me off. I wanted to make him afraid. I had a knife in my bag. I took it out. I told him that he had to help me. He laughed. I stabbed him for the first time, I don't know where. I went at him relentlessly. He fell to the ground and I was raging. I couldn't understand what I was doing. I didn't recognize myself. He wasn't moving any more. That was when I understood. I shook him. I panicked. I had a lace in my belt. I put it around his hands to stage a believable scene. Afterwards, I was locked in total denial. I couldn't believe that I was capable of doing that. I ask his family's forgiveness. I'm confessing for the family, for justice. I accept the consequences of my actions. I never wanted to kill him. Pierre was always my best friend. I'll regret it my whole life. I'm sorry that I lied for two years."

Extract from l'Est républicain 8th April 2013


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Can a psychotropic drug lead to ill being, depression, suicide?

  • Yes
  • No


Any psychotropic drug, be it legal - anxiolytic, tranquillizer, benzodiazepine, neuroleptic - or illegal - street drugs - leads to ill-being, depression and to suicide. See table with side effects of psychotropic drugs – Technical Information/Classification .

Voir le tableau des effets secondaires des drogues psychotropes (Fiches  / Classification)

Is an occasional joint dangerous ?

  • Yes
  • No


A joint is made out of pure cannabis or grass; or hashish mixed with tobacco.
Alcohol is a general term, which covers a wide variety of products:
wine, cider, beer, port, cognac, whisky, vodka are types of alcohol with various rates of alcoholic content ranging from 5 to 90 ° (active principles)
Cannabis works the same way: but when we talk about a joint of grass or hashish, there are more than 100 varieties and its T.H.C. rate (active principles) –ranges from 4% to 35% - goes unnoted.alcools aux taux variés de 5 à 90 degrés ( principes actifs)

Are there pills to stop drugs ?

  • Yes
  • No


Drugs are not a disease. The best way to stop them is not to take any. Heroin addicts who achieved withdraw admit that complete abstinence is the only solution. They say it themselves : it is more difficult to withdraw from Subutex (substitution drugs) than from heroin…

Is alcohol a drug?

  • Yes
  • No


Yes, Alcohol is a sedative drug. In drinking regularly a large amount of alcohol, one becomes an alcoholic within a few years. Alcohol is characteristically able to potentialize the effect of all other drugs it is mixed with. If one mixes alcohol with another or others drugs, one can very rapidly become a drug-addict.

Are our physicians concerned by drug addiction ?

  • Yes
  • No


Physicians are the first witnesses of drug addiction (See: News or Did you know sections)