

En octobre, à Vigneulles-lès-Hattonchâtel, un ado de 15 ans a été retrouvé mort, près du stade de foot. Deux jeunes en quelques mois. « Le premier consommait du protoxyde d’azote dans un contexte festif, le deuxième avait une pratique addictive et isolée », nous explique Bruno Frémont, médecin légiste à Verdun qui a autopsié les deux corps.

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Alors que la question de la dépénalisation du cannabis défraie régulièrement la chronique, voici 15 raisons, de ne pas donner un signal d'innocuité fallacieux à notre jeunesse:

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A l'occasion du débat sur la dépénalisation du cannabis qui agite régulièrement la scène médiatique, Patrice Tran Ba Huy, professeur de Médecine à la Faculté Saint-Louis-Lariboisière, membre de l'Académie nationale de Médecine et président de la société française d'ORL, explique quelles sont les redoutables conséquences sanitaires qu'amplifierait sans nul doute pareille décision. Lire l'article.

Alors que le pojet de dépénalisation du cannabis revient régulièrement sur le devant de la scène, une mère de famille tire la sonnette d'alarme.

Voir l'article de presse sur ce fléau.


A new year is beginning. Let us continue, let us intensify our fight against the curse of drugs. Our children must be able to go about their business, to study, to have fun, to travel without being the prey of those who only want to destroy them. Let us go on tirelessly giving them arguments to refuse drugs. Let us help them by refusing it ourselves. Let us not accept being prescribed sleeping pills, antidepressants, stimulants because our difficulties, real and painful as they are today, will have passed in a few months. Let us be an example for them. Nothing can be stronger to them than the value of example. Let us not fear a few nights without sleep, jetlag, and face the truth, for truth alone will never die. One day or another the truth will be told. We have the strength to do it for the sake of our children. We all know that nothing is acquired without daily effort. To ascend a mountain summit is a great pleasure. Our youth is not mistaken, they strive for this: to row across the Pacific Ocean, to conquer fear, loneliness, they long for it. To follow the path of effort lifts one's self-esteem, respect and love for one another. This is a nice challenge for each of us.

Marie-Christine d'Welles

What makes our teenager so charming is seeing him changing, his excesses, his vitality, his enthusiasm. If he takes drugs, his joy will disappear and will be replaced by attitudes, which will gradually become so unbearable that we will no longer recognize our own child. He will not recover his joy and the pleasure of being involved in what he likes by taking psychiatric drugs. These poisons will end up damaging his personality, destroying his abilities and reducing to nothing his moral conscience. We have to help him understand that to keep his self-esteem, the first step is a life without drugs.

Marie-Christine d’Welles


Parents have to help their children find an internal balance and to acquire autonomy to make their own decisions. If our children are hesitant or confused, it is proof that they need us. If they sometimes get lost along the difficult path to becoming autonomous, it is proof that they still are teenagers. They must be able to lean on our confidence in them and on our love. The aim is that one day each of them will become fully responsible for him or herself and will live happy in the respect of all human beings.

Marie-Christine d'Welles

An anti-tobacco campaign, complete with miracle cures, has been invading France. You or your children, your parents and friends may have discussed the pros and cons of the serious information being circulated. We all understand that those "criminal" smokers will be punished at last. Phew! I have even heard that a brand new miracle pill will be on the market that replaces cigarettes during working hours. This new product, made in an excellent laboratory, unfortunately cannot be given to those under 18 years old, because, as they say, its side effects are numerous and terrifying. But do not worry, soon another great pill, Rimonabant which is for the treatment of obesity will be given to our teenagers. Its undesirable side effects include anxiety, depression, nausea, vertigo and so on. A women's magazine tells me this great step forward in pharmacology will counter all the effects of cannabis! I'm not so sure...

Marie-Christine d'Welles

All parents who have children who use drugs can attest that they are sad, they have lost the drive to work hard, their goodwill and because of their mistakes, their self-esteem.

So why does my child take drugs, you ask.
Because, even if tomorrow will be difficult, for an instant drugs will satisfy all his desires. The price to be paid by him to rediscover happiness within himself is fraught with consequences: he must take drugs again.

The way out of it will be long and painful and will require, believe it or not, effort and goodwill. Let us listen to the moving testimonies of those who have been trapped and who have gone down this slippery slope, which goes from an artificial paradise to the hell of drugs. Abstinence is the only way out but it is long and painful one.
With the family, let us repeat this short phrase, which was spoken loudly and clearly by a 7th grade pupil in front of his class. "I think it is easier to never take any than it is to stop."

Marie-Christine d'Welles

We notice that many parents want more and more information on the products, the exact consequences of their consumption...They would like to see pictures, to understand how drugs affect the body, their exact impact on the brain – (as if the human being is nothing but a brain, as some would have us believe)... This intellectual approach would be totally legitimate were it not for its consequences: we get drowned in the details and pushed further away from our objective of prevention.

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To teach our children how to refuse drugs we have to tell them the truth. To get our child or teenager or young adult to listen to us, parents, and believe what we have to tell them, we have to be trusted by them. Nowadays they are bombarded by contradictory pieces of information through advertising, media and so on. So why would our child listen to us and what is more, believe us?

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A baby in his mother's arms moves us. A teenager who commits suicide is a news item for the tabloids, but a catastrophe for his parents.

Between those two moments there is often the consumption of psychotropic drugs.

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Since the creation of Enfance Sans Drogue nearly 15 years ago, we have acquired a very good knowledge of the "terrain". Indeed, we have received many testimonies from parents and young people about the consequences of using drugs and on the motivations of teenagers to take drugs.

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Self-esteem is not a vainglorious title that attracts esteem from others. It does not show itself in loud boastful celebrations of the ambitious. Unlike the elite values bought through privileges, relationships, publicity, lies, twists and embezzlements, it is a quiet and personal feeling.

Those who take drugs know this and the drug-addict even more so. They have lost their self-esteem.

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Everyone who has been a victim of drugs thought drugs couldn't touch them. But because the drugs market is targeted at them, most of the information that surrounds them is false. This misinformation comes from people who sell drugs or who use them and promote them either to justify their behavior or for financial gain.

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In France, 50% of youth aged 15 to 19 regularly consume psychotropic drugs, such as cannabis, poppers, tranquillizers, amphetamines, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, cocaine and so on. It is the highest level of consumption in Europe and the percentage of suicide amongst those aged 14 to 24 is the highest in the world! We can say that this is a real scam, collaborated by and with the connivance of, to a greater or lesser extent, health professionals and many parents.

Our children are ill because they take drugs and we are told that they take drugs because they are ill.

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If your child meets at least 8 of the following criteria for longer than 6 months, he will be considered hyperactive  

(extract from The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), published by the American Psychiatric Association).Enfant qui saute

  1. Fidgets with his hands or feet, or squirms in his seat
  2. Has difficulty in remaining seated
  3. Is easily distracted by outside stimuli
  4. Has difficulty waiting for his turn while playing or in group situations
  5. Answers questions before they are finished
  6. Has difficulty in following instructions that are given to him
  7. Has difficulty in keeping his attention on something
  8. Switches between activities without finishing them
  9. Has difficulty in playing quietly
  10. Is overly talkative
  11. Often interrupts others
  12. Seems not to listen to what he is told
  13. Often forgets his things
  14. Is often involved in dangerous activities without being aware of their consequences

And if he is diagnosed as hyperactive he will be prescribed ritalin, the obedience pill, called “kiddy coke”, with disastrous effects. The chemical structure of methylphenidate, Ritalin, is that of phenylethylamine, which has pharmacological properties similar to those of amphetamins.

People will tell you that Ritalin will enable your child to focus better, etc. That might be true for the first weeks, as with any psychostimulant, but your child will be influenced by an amphetamine with all the associated  disastrous secondary effects such as

  1. Sleep disorders
  2. Over stimulation
  3. anorexia
  4. psychoses (suicidal ideation, paranoia)
  5. Tactile hallucinations, eg Itchiness of the extremities
  6. Arterial hypertension, myocardial infarctus and pulmonary embolism
  7. Pulmonary embolism. Amphetamines, even at therapeutic doses, are suspected of inducing of pulmonary arterial hypertension and respiratory depression
  8. Acute renal failure

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If one has consumed drugs, is s/he tempted to take some more?

  • Yes
  • No


Most drugs are stored in the body fats for years. During an exertion, a walk, sport, fear, surprise, stimulation, a bit of fat is burnt and very small quantities of drugs are released into the blood circulation. This will reactivate the effects of the drugs, making the user feel that they want more.

re poppers, aerosols, stain remover drugs?

  • Yes
  • No


AEROSOLS Nitrous oxide and other pressurized gases such as those contained in whipped cream canisters or computer anti-dust sprays also have hallucinogenic effects. In a few seconds they produce excitement, dizziness, euphoria, loss of consciousness and affect the central nervous system through lack of oxygen. Moreover they are inhaled under pressure and can provoke lung frostbite and vocal chords injuries, (eg. immediately after taking this drug the voice becomes lower.)

POPPERS Volatile nitrites have similar effects to nitrous oxide. Moreover they can provoke panic attacks, heart palpitations and headaches. They are also responsible for deaths by anoxia. They are vasodilators frequently used to relax sphincter muscles. They are carcinogenic and provoke serious immune deficiencies – such as AIDS.

STAIN REMOVER Stain removers are derived from ethylene. They are hallucinogenic but their effect is more calming, unlike poppers and aerosols, which are more stimulating. They cause damage that is neurological (deafness, tremor) and intellectual (dementia).

Is current cannabis an average of 10 times more dosed than in 1968 ?

  • Yes
  • No


In 1968, it contained from 0,6 to 6% of THC – TetraHydroCannabinol - principal active substance. In recent years through genetic modifications, hybrids and greenhouse cultures, it can contain up to 35% of THC. Nowadays, cannabis consumed by teenagers does not have anything in common with what their parents knew. For more information about cannabis see “Technical Information” section.

Is anyone who takes drugs a drug-addict ?

  • Yes
  • No


A drug-addict is someone who takes drugs in order to solve problems created by taking drugs. S/he thinks that s/he can stop taking them whenever s/he wants, however, in spite of the harmful consequences caused by consuming drugs, s/he cannot. If the drug-addict experiences withdrawal symptoms he will think only about providing himself with drugs even if it means acting against his morals. The demand is so strong that anything linked with will, effort, love or morals gradually disappears completely. Lies, violence, aggressiveness, moral or physical suffering, self-harm, being afraid to take part in everyday life become the norm. Because of these evil acts, the drug-addict looses his/her self-esteem and goes deeper into loneliness and suicidal urges.

Are there pills to stop drugs ?

  • Yes
  • No


Drugs are not a disease. The best way to stop them is not to take any. Heroin addicts who achieved withdraw admit that complete abstinence is the only solution. They say it themselves : it is more difficult to withdraw from Subutex (substitution drugs) than from heroin…