
After having followed a seminar in Enfance Sans Drogue, I realized that it was urgent that parents become invested in informing our young children about the dangers of drugs.

I called the director of my children's school with a proposal to speak on this issue to 4th and 5th grade classes.

She agreed to have a 1 hour 30 minutes session in each of the classes, with the teacher present.

The children were very interested and asked many pertinent questions. On another occasion, I met a small group of 5th graders who were in 4th grade when I came to their class and who sincerely wished to have another information session to go deeper into the problem.

To put it in a nutshell, I was happily surprised by the quality the exchanges I had with the pupils on this occasion and how the sessions went so smoothly. It was a confirmation that we, parents, have to mobilize ourselves by all means to prevent our children getting trapped by this curse. If not us, then who else?


Did you know ?

Educate your children